Funeral Services for GySgt John Hudson USMC (ret.) will be as follows –
Friday, 1/19/2024
Evergreen Memorial Gardens
1101 NE 112th Ave. Vancouver
Viewing – 1100
Services – 1200
Graveside Services – 1300
Funeral Services for GySgt John Hudson USMC (ret.) will be as follows –
Friday, 1/19/2024
Evergreen Memorial Gardens
1101 NE 112th Ave. Vancouver
Viewing – 1100
Services – 1200
Graveside Services – 1300
It is with deep sadness that Lewis & Clark Young Marines shares the news of the passing of long-time staff member GySgt John P. Hudson USMC (ret.). He passed the afternoon of 1/9/2024.
Gunny Hudson joined our staff in the spring of 2004 and served much of his time as our Training Officer. He moved into a more specialized role in 2018 and took on coordinating and facilitating the promotion testing for our Young Marines, where he remained until his passing. He was a loyal and dependable staff member who regularly attended our drills and Study Nights.
The Young Marines loved him and his knowledge, his joi de vivre, and his patience. He was a fan favorite for PO/EO sign offs and would oftentimes be found with a line of YMs waiting for him to sign their guidebooks. Many of our former YMs speak of Gunny fondly and he was integral to many of their lives. Who can ever forget his map & compass or his land navigation classes?
His 20 years of service to this unit will be a very hard act to follow and we are definitely going to miss him. Fair seas and following winds, Gunny. We are profoundly grateful for and respectful of all you have done for our unit. It never went unnoticed your great personal sacrifice so the Young Marines in our unit could grow into successful and accomplished adults. Thank you for your dedicated service, Gunny. Until we meet again … your Lewis & Clark family
Lewis & Clark Young Marines welcomed Recruit Class 31624 on Saturday. On their first day, they started on the yellow footprints, learned about our obligations and creeds, grooming standards and so much more!
We are excited to see this new group of Recruits build up into Young Marines over the next couple of months. Oorah!
Lewis & Clark Young Marines takes great pride and pleasure announcing Young Marine Gunnery Sergeant Joseph Gallant has been chosen as the Northwest Regiment Junior Young Marine of the Year!
YM/GYSGT Gallant is in 9th grade and has been involved with the Young Marines since the beginning of 2021. He loves to share his enthusiasm and knowledge for all things military and always leads by example. His leadership skills really shined through as an assistant recruit instructor for recruit cycle 93023, and we’re looking forward to seeing him as the Senior assistant recruit instructor for our incoming class!
When he is not creating new cadences or ditties to share with Young Marines, he enjoys playing football, wrestling and hanging out with friends.
It is with great pride and pleasure Lewis & Clark Young Marines announces that our very own Young Marine Gunnery Sergeant Corban Rider has been chosen as the Northwest Regiment Senior Young Marine of the Year.
YM/GYSGT Rider, C. has been a part of LCYM since 2019 and has made a huge impact in our unit as a natural leader, showing patience and grace to all, while instilling order and discipline. He is role model to the junior Young Marines, and we hope to see them all aspire to his level of excellence.
When he is not at Young Marines, he is a very talented musician and is able to play several instruments, including the trombone, French horn, bass guitar and bugle. He is in jazz band, concert band and worship band with his youth group at church. He also enjoys working on his truck with his father and anything car related.
He will be graduating this Spring, and he plans to join the Navy to be a nuclear engineer on a submarine.
Vancouver, Washington