Performing community service is a core value of the Lewis & Clark Young Marines. We believe supporting our active duty military, local Veterans, first responders and our community instills a sense of duty and respect. By participating in community service events our Young Marines learn the value of giving back to their communities and setting a positive example for all other youth to follow. This type of selfless service helps each Young Marine develop a sense of pride in their communities, their nation, and themselves.

Very high importance is placed on Young Marine community service hours. The hours are recorded and tracked in the National Young Marine Database. After the first 50 hours of community service logged, the Young Marine is awarded the Community Service ribbon, a bronze star is awarded for each additional 50 hours of community service. A silver star is worn in lieu of 5 bronze stars. The Community Service ribbon is a requirement for promotion to Lance Corporal.

Community service hours are also reported and qualifying Young Marines are awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Awards are based on the hours worked in a 12 month period except the Lifetime award.
What type of community service to we do?
Color Guard & Flag Ceremonies
Our Young Marines provide color guard during the National Anthem for:
- Portland Trailblazers
- Seattle Mariners
- Portland Steel
- Veterans Day Events
- Memorial Day Events
- HS & MS Sporting Events
- Little League
- HS Graduations
- Memorial Dedications
- And for anyone who needs a color guard
Our Young Marines also perform flag folding, flag raising and flag retiring ceremonies whenever asked.

Honoring our Veterans and First Responders
We believe in giving back to the community and perform community service whenever we can. A partial list of some of our community service activities are:
Providing support for events and organizations such as:
- Memorial Day Flag Planting at Willamette National Cemetery
- Veterans Stand Down
- 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
- Cpl Matthew Lembke Scholarship Run
- Veterans Day events
- Day of Remembrance events
- Windhaven Therapeutic Riding
- Memorial Day events
- Veterans Outdoors-Hunting/Fishing with Heroes
- Honor Flight Welcome Home

Supporting our Community
- Portland Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade
- Klineline Kids Fishing Derby
- Kids Obstacle Challenge
- Beach cleanup
- Debris and brush removal
- Trash pickup
- Tree planting