The Record Book is the official record of the Young Marine’s career with the Young Marines. It’s very important both parent and Young Marine become familiar with this record. In addition to your Young Marine record, there are other links to valuable information. The Unit Adjutant is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of each YM’s Record Book. Please keep in mind, we are a large unit and data is entered by hand. Be patient, and if you have questions, ask. Any questions should be directed to ADJ@LCYM.ORG.

When you log in, you land on your Adult Dashboard page. There, you will see:

The My Account section has:
- My Profile – Where you can update your parent information.
- Charges History – Any charges that were applied to your account by the National program would show here. Unit charges will not show here.
- Family Contacts – This is where you can edit contact information for the Primary Account Holder, Secondary Account Holder and Additional Contacts.
- Application – A form to fill out if you would like to register a child(s) to be a Young Marine, if you would like to serve as an Adult Volunteer, or if your Spouse/Significant Other would like to serve as an Adult Volunteer.
- Active Event Registrations – Any event registrations and the status of that registration can be seen here.
The My Young Marines section will show your enrolled Young Marine. You can click on Young Marine’s photo to access their dashboard.
The Resources section will give you additional resources you have access to like a link to Esprit Magazines.
Once you click on your Young Marine’s photo, you will come their Young Marine Dashboard:

Under your Young Marine’s Account, you’ll find:
- A picture of the YM – (YMs new to the Unit may not have a photo yet)
- Record Book Web – This shows the YM’s name, join date, unit, rank, and record history in web format.
- Record Book Microsoft Word – This shows the YM’s name, join date, unit, rank, and record history in Word format.
- The YM’s current ribbon rack – This could very well be the most referenced part of the record book. You will use this every time you earn a new ribbon and need to change ribbon racks. Also, if you hover your mouse over the ribbon it will tell you what the ribbon is for.
- YM’s Status Matrix – A compliance report opens and shows:
- Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Compliance Record
- Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Compliance Record with scores
- Community Service Hours
- Community Service Entries
- YM’s Promotion Eligibility Matrix– An eligibility report opens and shows which promotion requirements you have met for your next promotion.
The next section is Resources:
- Award Chart – A complete list of ribbons available to be awarded to qualifying Young Marines. Click on a ribbon and the requirements for earning that ribbon are shown.
- Billet Chart – Shows the minimum rank required for each Billet Assignment.
- Promotion Chart – Click on the rank and the promotion requirements for that rank are shown.
- Esprit Magazines
The last section is Parent YM Actions
- Profile
- Medical Info
- Health History
- Medications
- Allergies
- Agreements
- Event Sign-Up
- Standard Activity Training Form
- YM Information Sheet
On the left sidebar you will find links for:
- Events/Programs
- Unit Home
- Unit Library
- Career Opportunities
- Unit Staff
- Online Learning Library
- Unit Calendar
- Supply Depot
- Guidebooks
- Manuals
- Training & Education
- Announcements
- Photo Albums
- Contact/Join Unit
- Training Map
- Branding/Marketing
- Unit Awards
On the drop down menu across the top, you will find:
- Home – A link to Young Marine National Headquarters page
- About Us-Information about Young Marine National Headquarters
- What We Do – Information on Citizenship, Leadership, Summer Programs and Veterans Appreciation
- Get Involved-How to Donate, Volunteer & Join
- Healthy And Drug Free – Information on Red Ribbon Week, Red Cord, DDR Dash and DDR Resources
- News – Esprit, News Room, Press Releases, Career Opportunities, Golf Tournament
- Alumni – A place for connection, engagement and inspiring future generations
As you can see, there is an enormous amount of information here. Take some time to look around. You can’t modify your Young Marine’s record book so don’t be afraid to click on everything and explore.