Young Marine physical fitness is important and is taken very seriously. The Young Marines employ the President’s Challenge as its Physical Fitness Test (PFT). PFT scores will determine if you are promoted to your next rank or chosen to participated in a SPACES event.
The PFT program and requirements can be found in the Young Marine Training Officers Manual (TOM) on the Young Marine website. For you convenience, pertinent sections of the TOM have been linked to this post.
The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) occurs twice a year for Young Marines and three times for recruits. The Physical Fitness ribbon is awarded for each PFT and the scores are recorded in the Young Marine’s Record Book.
The PFT consists of the following events: Examples of proper technique can be found HERE.
- 1 mile endurance run for ages 10+
- 1/2 mile endurance run for ages 8 & 9
- Curl Ups
- V-Sit & Reach
- Shuttle Run
- Push Ups or Pull Ups or Flex Arm Hang (there are age limitations)
These Young Marine videos will help you learn the proper technique for performing each event.
PFT Scores are calculated based on gender and age. The PFT scoring matrix for each event can be downloaded HERE. To calculate score:
- Find correct event and gender matrix
- Find correct age column
- Follow down the age column to the number/time accomplished by YM/Rct
- Follow that line to the left to the “Percentile” column. That is the score for that event.
- Add all scores for each event. That is the YM’s/Rct’s total score for that PFT.
Passing PFT scores are:
- 200+ for YM-Rct, YM-Pvt, YM-PFC & YM-LCPL
- 250+ for YM-CPL and above
Young Marines who score:
- 300 to 399 are authorized to wear Physical Fitness Ribbon with the Roman numeral “II” centered on the ribbon.
- 400 to 500 are authorized to wear Physical Fitness Ribbon with the Roman number “I” centered on the ribbon.
- A perfect score of 500 shall also be awarded Perfect Physical Fitness Ribbon. All such scores shall be reported to National Headquarters for recognition in Esprit Magazine.
Don’t wait until the day before the PFT to get into shape. This is something that should be a part of your daily routine. You can do push ups, curl ups & V-sit & reach while watching TV. Get those runs in. Run to the end of the block and back, run around the park. Keep your pace up and before you know it you’ll be sprinting the entire mile!