Lewis & Clark Young Marines is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our primary source of income is fundraising. Our amazing Young Marine families work very hard supporting our different Unit fundraisers. Funds from our fundraisers pay for our encampments, bus maintenance and unit equipment. Below you will find a list of our current fundraisers and when they happen. If you have any questions about a particular fundraiser, please contact the fundraiser coordinator listed.
Support the Lewis & Clark Young Marine Unit
Donations can be sent directly to the Lewis & Clark Young Marine Unit through Venmo @LewisandClark-YoungMarines

Our Wreaths Across America (WAA) fundraiser occurs all year, but we really get active from Oct 1-Dec 15. In December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our YM’s and families volunteer as a Unit to honor our Veterans and lay the wreaths at Evergreen Memorial Gardens in Vancouver, WA. In turn, WAA donates $5 to LCYM for every wreath they sell. Donations for wreaths can be made on the Lewis & Clark Young Marines WAA fundraising page.
Our WAA Fundraiser Coordinator is Sena Rider and she can be reached at WAA@LCYM.ORG

We just started our See’s Candy Fundraiser and it will run until March 31st. Our storefront sales coordinator’s email should be sfs@lcym.org.
Red Wagon Brigade