Lewis & Clark Young Marines were back at the Moda Center at the Rose Quarter last night for another exciting Portland Trail Blazers game against the Rockets. Congratulations on another big win Trail Blazers, Oorah!

Lewis & Clark Young Marines were back at the Moda Center at the Rose Quarter last night for another exciting Portland Trail Blazers game against the Rockets. Congratulations on another big win Trail Blazers, Oorah!
They have been hitting the pavement hard since they stepped on the yellow footprints!
YM recruits 31823 have learned creeds and obligations, our history, close order drill, uniform and hair regulations and most recently land navigation!
We are excited for graduation which is just around the corner, Oorah!
Thank you to Corporal Pardue and K9 Officer Oso of the Vancouver Police Department for coming in and sharing information about your job! Lewis & Clark Young Marines really enjoyed learning about K9 training and watching K9 Officer Oso show off his skills!
Lewis & Clark Young Marines opened for the Portland Trail Blazers with the National anthem, and then enjoyed an exciting game against the Utah Jazz! Congratulations on your win last night Trail Blazers!
Lewis & Clark Young Marines donned their cold weather gear, jumped on the big bus and did what they do best; community service!
Thank you Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership for letting our unit come and help plant trees!
Vancouver, Washington